
Pyxel edit export tileset as seperate
Pyxel edit export tileset as seperate

pyxel edit export tileset as seperate

Holding Spacebar and pressing W will move the crosshair away from you while pressing S while Spacebar is held will move the crosshair towards you. You can press W, A, S, and D to move the crosshair up, left, down, and right. By moving this crosshair, you can adjust where the tiles are drawn. The 3d crosshair is depicted by white lines that extend along the x, y, and z axis. The tile gets placed against an invisible plane that always aligns with the 3d crosshair. You can control the position where the tiles are created as well as their direction.

pyxel edit export tileset as seperate pyxel edit export tileset as seperate

When you are ready to draw to the scene just click the scene to place a tile or click and drag to place multiple tiles. You can toggle between Draw mode and Edit mode by pressing Tab or by clicking the Mode button located at the top of the main window. To draw into the scene, you must be in Draw mode. Clicking on the tileset will select a portion of the image according to the tilesize values near the bottom of the window and this selected piece will be used when drawing your tiles into the scene. The Tileset tab is open by default and is where you can choose which tiles to draw into the scene. When you open Crocotile 3D, you're presented with the main window that displays an empty scene (where you'll be placing the tiles), and a smaller window that contains tabs for the Tileset, UVs, Painting, Transforms, and Scene panels.

Pyxel edit export tileset as seperate